5 minute chat with Maria Caravati of Equinox Botanical Boutique

5 minute chat with Maria Caravati of Equinox Botanical Boutique

It’s not the same downtown-based Equinox you might remember. “We’ve spread our wings,” says founder and owner Maria Caravati. “We’re now known as Equinox botanical boutique.”
Known for the past 22 years as specializing in massage and facial therapies customizable for individual clients, Equinox has moved into botanicals as well. “Now when you walk into the boutique,” Maria says, “you’ll be struck by the changes—indoor plants, seasonal plants such as herb and tomato plants and related products. It’s always been a passion, and we finally have a chance to share it.” She quickly adds Equinox will never abandon its traditional services—it’s what’s made the boutique so successful over the years.

Beyond the common herbs and plants you might find at other garden centers, Equinox stocks harder-to-find varieties including herbs for both medicinal and culinary purposes. But in addition to that, classes and workshops are being offered to help share valuable tips in great and healthy organic cooking, herb garden planting and care, growing and preserving your garden vegetables, and much more.

“Our beliefs are pretty simple: grow what you eat whenever possible, buy local, and always be aware of and respectful to Earth in all we do.” As an example, Maria recounts her experience at her own home. “I removed the lawn when I bought my house and replaced it with what would make me the healthiest and happiest—vegetables and herb gardens, wildflowers everywhere, and natural beauty most of all.”

As for advice to new gardeners, “Start small, do your research, grow your favorites and have fun. And check out some of our classes/workshops—they won’t disappoint, and we can promise that they all come with a big dose of fun along with the learning.”
When Happenings Downtown asked Maria why she operates her business downtown, she replied “Is there any place else? It’s the heartbeat of our beautiful city—the lakefront, the diversity, the great people. . . downtown just has so much to offer.”
To treat yourself from root to leaf, stop in at Equinox Botanical Boutique.

5901 Sixth Avenue-A
(262) 656-1830

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Story submitted by David Heide

This story first appeared in the Downtown Kenosha magazine Vol. 12 #3 2019